Jess Garcia Jess Garcia

Fluffy Biscuits: A Cozy Family Tradition with a Flare of Homemade Magic

Warm up your kitchen with my latest recipe: Fluffy Biscuits: A Cozy Family Tradition with a Flare of Homemade Magic! These biscuits are perfect for any meal and bring a touch of comfort to your table. 🥰✨

Biscuits have always held a special place in my heart. Growing up, they were the perfect pairing for hearty stews on those chilly evenings, a staple in our family home. I can still remember the store-bought box mix my mom would pull out, and somehow, I became the one who made the biscuits. Maybe it was the rhythm of cutting in the butter or the anticipation of those warm, fluffy bites with a spoonful of stew that drew me in. Either way, biscuits became my thing early on.

Fast forward to adulthood, and my love for biscuits hasn’t wavered. In fact, it’s deepened. The minute I feel that first crisp morning breeze, my mind goes straight to a pot of stew simmering on the stove, waiting for a batch of warm, golden biscuits to complete the meal. There’s something about gathering around the dinner table, everyone dipping their biscuits into the stew, that creates a sense of camaraderie—like we’re all warming up from the inside out.

When I became a mom, I knew I wanted to carry on the tradition of biscuits and stew, but I also wanted to leave behind the chemicals and additives from those old box mixes. So, about three years ago, I set out to perfect my own biscuit recipe—something clean, simple, and comforting. After a lot of trial and error (and a few flat biscuits that I’ll never forget!), I landed on this recipe. And let me tell you, I haven’t looked back since. These biscuits are now a staple in my home, bringing that same warmth and togetherness to my family that I grew up with.

So, here’s the recipe. It’s easy, quick, and best of all, made with ingredients I can feel good about serving my kids. And yes, they still disappear just as fast as they did when I was a kid!


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour

  • 5 teaspoons baking powder

  • 1 ½ teaspoons pink sea salt

  • ½ teaspoons cream of tartar

  • ½ cup cold butter, cubed

  • 1 ½ cups milk (I use our farm's raw goat’s milk, but any whole milk will do!)


  1. Preheat the Oven: Heat your oven to 425°F. Let’s get these biscuits ready for that hot stew!

  2. Mix the Dry Ingredients: In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, and cream of tartar. No sifting here—I’m a busy mom, after all.

  3. Cut in the Butter: Use a pastry cutter to work the cold butter into the dry mixture. The butter should stay cold for those flaky layers we all love, so keep cutting until you’ve got pea-sized crumbs.

  4. Add the Milk: Pour in the milk and stir just until combined. Don’t overmix—you want to keep things light and fluffy.

  5. Shape the Dough: Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead it just a couple of times. Roll it out to about ½-inch thick.

  6. Cut the Biscuits: I use a canning lid or glass to cut my biscuits—no need for fancy cutters. Press straight down without twisting so your biscuits rise beautifully.

  7. Bake: Place the biscuits on an ungreased baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes, until they’re golden and ready for dipping.

  8. Serve: Pull them out, serve warm, and watch them disappear as quickly as you put them on the table!

There’s something truly special about a meal that brings people together, and for me, stew and biscuits have always been that meal. These biscuits are a simple joy, made from scratch with ingredients I trust. From the busy kitchen at Oak Creek Family Farm to your own table, I hope these biscuits bring a little bit of warmth and togetherness to your home, just like they do for mine.

Happy baking from Jess and the Garcia crew!

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Jess Garcia Jess Garcia

Kid-Friendly Elderberry Gummies: Immune Support in Every Bite

If you’re anything like me, getting your kids to willingly take their daily immune-boosting remedies can sometimes feel like a battle. But what if I told you there’s a fun and tasty way to give them the benefits of elderberries that they’ll beg for? Yep, I’m talking about elderberry gummies! These little gems are not only packed with all the immune-boosting power of elderberries but are also shaped like fun, squishy bites of goodness that my kids can’t resist.

Here on the farm, we swear by elderberries for keeping our immune systems strong, especially as we head into cold and flu season. These gummies are the perfect solution for families like mine—busy, active, and always on the go—who want a natural, effective way to stay healthy.

Why Elderberry Gummies?

Elderberries are known for their high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and immune-boosting properties, making them a go-to remedy in our house. But instead of just making a syrup and having the kids take it by the spoonful, turning it into gummies feels like a treat. Plus, it’s a simple and fun way to get your family the health benefits they need without any complaints.

These gummies are made with just two ingredients—elderberry syrup and gelatin—making them a quick, easy, and healthy snack for the whole family.


  • 1 Cup Elderberry Syrup (homemade or store-bought)

  • 3 Packets of Unflavored Gelatin

(If you don’t have elderberry syrup on hand, check out my recipe here to make your own from scratch—it’s easier than you think!)


  1. Warm the Syrup
    In a small pot, gently warm 1 cup of elderberry syrup over low heat. You don’t want to boil it, just warm enough to dissolve the gelatin. As always, humming a little tune while you stir adds an extra sprinkle of love.

  2. Dissolve the Gelatin
    Slowly sprinkle in 3 packets of unflavored gelatin while stirring continuously. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved, and the mixture thickens slightly.

  3. Fill the Molds
    Pour the mixture into a squeeze bottle or use a spoon to carefully fill your silicone molds. If you’re making these for the kids, fun shapes like bears, hearts, or dinosaurs make it even more exciting! If you don’t have molds, no worries—just pour the mixture into a shallow dish and cut it into squares after it sets.

  4. Let Them Set
    Place the molds or dish into the fridge and let the gummies set for about 1-2 hours. Once they’ve firmed up, pop them out of the molds or slice them into bite-sized pieces.

  5. Store and Enjoy
    Keep your gummies in an airtight container in the fridge. They should last for about two weeks—though in my house, they’re usually gone long before that!

How to Use:

These elderberry gummies are a great way to give your kids a daily immune boost without any fuss. You can give them 2-3 gummies a day as a preventative measure, and if anyone starts feeling under the weather, you can up the amount to 3-5 gummies a day.

I also sneak a few myself because, honestly, who doesn’t love a sweet, squishy treat that’s good for you?

Bonus: Elderberry Benefits

In case you’re new to the elderberry world, here’s a quick rundown of why they’re so powerful:

  • Rich in Antioxidants: Elderberries are loaded with antioxidants, which help fight off free radicals and keep your body strong.

  • Immune System Boost: Elderberries are known for their ability to enhance immune function, making them a great natural remedy for cold and flu prevention.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: They can help reduce inflammation, which is always a good thing when you’re battling illness.

Who Should Be Cautious with Elderberries?

While elderberries are generally safe, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid Raw Elderberries: Elderberries need to be cooked to remove toxins, so never consume them raw.

  2. Honey Alert for Babies: If you’re making elderberry syrup with honey, don’t give it to children under 1 year old. You can substitute honey with maple syrup for younger kiddos.

  3. Check with Your Doctor: If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or have autoimmune conditions, talk to your healthcare provider before using elderberry products.

A Little Extra: Elderberry Honey

And since I’m all about reducing waste and making the most of every ingredient, here’s a little bonus tip: after you strain the elderberries from your syrup, don’t toss them! Place the leftover berries in a glass jar and cover them with local honey. Let them sit for 2-3 weeks, strain, and enjoy elderberry-infused honey that’s perfect for drizzling over toast, adding to tea, or taking by the spoonful. It’s another great way to get all the benefits of elderberries while reducing waste.

Bringing It All Together

These elderberry gummies are a game-changer for busy families looking for a simple, natural way to keep everyone healthy. Whether you’re packing them in lunchboxes, using them as an after-school snack, or sneaking a few yourself, they’re sure to be a hit. From my homestead to yours, I hope this recipe makes staying healthy a little more fun and delicious.

As always, thank you for following along, and happy gummy-making!

Stay cozy,
Jess & the Garcia Crew

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Jess Garcia Jess Garcia

Elderberry Syrup Recipe for Cold & Flu Season

Seasonal sniffles have nothing on us here at Oak Creek Family Farm! My elderberry syrup is a must-have for our family, especially during the cooler months. Not only is it delicious and soothing, but elderberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins to keep your immune system strong. Plus, the warm spices make the whole house smell like a cozy fall day.

This recipe is simple but loaded with love, warmth, and some of nature’s best remedies. And because we don’t like to waste anything here on the farm, I’ve got a bonus tip for you at the end!


  • ½ Cup Dried Elderberries

  • 2 Cups Water

  • ½ Fresh Lemon (just the juice)

  • 2 Cinnamon Sticks

  • 3 Whole Cloves

  • Ginger Root (sliced, to taste)

  • Local Honey (to taste)


  1. Simmer the Goodness
    In a medium-sized pot, combine the water, elderberries, cinnamon sticks, cloves, ginger root, and the juice from half a lemon. Bring the mixture to a boil, then lower the heat and let it simmer for 15 minutes.
    (Pro tip: Stir with love and maybe hum a little tune—it’s my secret ingredient!)

  2. Strain & Save the Liquid
    Once simmered, remove from heat and strain the liquid into a glass jar, setting aside all the elderberries, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and ginger root. This is where the magic happens, but don’t toss those elderberries just yet—we’ll get to that in a moment!

  3. Sweeten to Taste
    While the syrup is still warm, stir in local honey to taste. I like mine sweet, so I usually add a bit more, but you can adjust based on your preference.

  4. Enjoy & Store
    Pour your delicious elderberry syrup into a clean jar. It can be stored in the fridge and should keep for about two weeks, though it rarely lasts that long with my crew around!

How to Use:

Take a spoonful daily for prevention, or up to 3 times a day if you’re already feeling under the weather. You can also drizzle it on pancakes, stir it into tea, or take it straight for a boost of healthy goodness!

Bonus Tip: Elderberry Tincture

Now, if you know me, you know I’m all about making the most of everything in the kitchen. After you’ve strained your elderberries, don’t throw them away! Instead, place the strained elderberries in a glass jar, cover them with vodka, and let the mixture sit for 4-6 weeks in a cool, dark spot. After that, strain it once more, and voilà—you’ve made an elderberry tincture!

This tincture can be used in small doses when you need an extra boost for your immune system. Waste not, want not, right?

I hope this elderberry syrup recipe brings a bit of warmth, comfort, and health to your home this season. From one busy homesteading mom to another, it’s all about finding the time to nourish your family with love (and a little elderberry magic).

Stay cozy,
Jess & the Garcia Crew

Important Warnings About Elderberries

While elderberries are a wonderful natural remedy and immune booster, there are a few important considerations and warnings to keep in mind before using them:

  1. Raw Elderberries Can Be Toxic
    Elderberries should never be consumed raw. Raw elderberries, as well as the stems, leaves, and roots of the elderberry plant, contain cyanogenic glycosides, which can produce cyanide and cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Always cook elderberries thoroughly before consumption, as heat neutralizes these toxins..

  2. Autoimmune Conditions
    Elderberry boosts the immune system, which can be a concern for individuals with autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or multiple sclerosis. If you have an autoimmune condition, consult your doctor before using elderberry to avoid potential interactions with your condition or medications.

  3. Allergic Reactions
    Some people may be allergic to elderberries, especially if they have a known sensitivity to plants in the same family, such as honeysuckle. If you or your child have known plant allergies, it's wise to be cautious and consider a patch test before consuming elderberry products.

  4. Diabetes and Medications
    Elderberries may have a mild effect on blood sugar levels. If you’re on medications for diabetes, or any other medications that affect blood sugar, speak with your doctor before introducing elderberry into your routine.

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Jess Garcia Jess Garcia

Embracing the Seasons: Fall at Oak Creek Family Farm

As the golden hues of autumn begin to paint the landscape, our family finds ourselves settling into the comforting rhythm of the season. Here at Oak Creek Family Farm, living with the seasons isn't just a practice—it's a way of life. The shift from summer to fall is more than just a change in the weather; it's a time for us to prepare, plan, and cherish the moments of peace that come with the cooler days and longer nights.

With our kids heading back to school and diving into the excitement of football season, our days are filled with a different kind of energy. The garden, once bursting with summer's bounty, is now being turned over to make way for our fall crops. There's something deeply satisfying about the process—knowing that the seeds we plant now will sustain us in the months to come. It's a reminder that while we're always looking forward, we're also deeply connected to the present moment.

Our milk goats are also following the seasonal rhythm, with breeding schedules thoughtfully planned to ensure the best for our herd. The cooler weather is a welcome change for them, and as we prepare for the next cycle, there's a sense of calm that settles over the farm.

This shift in season also brings changes to our farm stand. Rather than being open every weekend, we’re moving to a pre-order system with limited dates and pop-up events. This allows us to focus on what matters most—family time. The fall season gives us the opportunity to slow down a bit, to gather together around the dinner table, and to enjoy the simple pleasures of life that the busy summer months often make hard to come by.

Living with the seasons means embracing change, finding joy in the cyclical nature of life, and always looking forward to what’s next. As we move into fall, we’re excited to share this season’s harvest with you, even if it looks a little different this year. Thank you for being part of our journey, and we look forward to seeing you at our pop-up events and pre-order pickups.

Wishing you all a peaceful and bountiful autumn,

Jess and the Oak Creek Family Farm Team

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Jess Garcia Jess Garcia

Bringing Rue Back to Life: A Guide to Rehydrating Your Sourdough Starter

Hello, fellow bread lovers!

So, you’ve brought home a little piece of Oak Creek Family Farm in the form of two tablespoons of my beloved sourdough starter, Rue. First of all, welcome to the wonderful world of sourdough! Whether you’re a seasoned baker or just getting started, there’s something magical about nurturing a starter and watching it transform into a bubbly, living thing ready to bake up delicious loaves.

But, you might be wondering, “What do I do with this tiny amount of starter?” Fear not! I’m here to guide you through the simple process of rehydrating and feeding your starter so you can start baking to your heart’s content.

Step 1: Getting Ready

To start, you’ll need:

  • Your two tablespoons of dried Rue (aka the starter)

  • 2 tablespoons of lukewarm water (around 75°F to 80°F)

  • A small, clean glass jar or bowl

  • A spoon or small spatula for stirring

Step 2: Rehydration Time

  1. Add Water: Place the dried starter into your jar or bowl, and pour the lukewarm water over it.

  2. Mix It Up: Stir the starter and water together gently. The starter might look a bit clumpy or gooey at first—that’s totally normal. Just mix until the starter is mostly dissolved in the water. Don’t worry if there are a few small lumps; they’ll break down in the next steps.

  3. Wait a Little While: Cover your jar or bowl loosely with a clean cloth or lid (not airtight—Rue needs to breathe!). Let the mixture sit at room temperature for about 2-4 hours. This gives the dried starter time to absorb the water and begin waking up from its nap.

Step 3: Feeding Your Starter

Now that Rue is starting to rehydrate, it’s time to give her a little snack!

  1. Add Flour and Water: After 2-4 hours, add 2 tablespoons of flour (all-purpose or bread flour works well) and 2 tablespoons of lukewarm water to the jar. Stir until everything is well combined.

  2. Cover and Wait Again: Cover the jar loosely again and let it sit at room temperature for 12-24 hours. You should start to see some tiny bubbles forming—this means Rue is waking up and getting ready to work!

  3. Repeat: Over the next few days, you’ll need to keep feeding Rue to build her strength. Each day, discard half of the starter (or use it in another recipe) and then add 2 tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of water. Stir, cover loosely, and let it sit.

Step 4: Rue is Ready to Bake!

After about 5-7 days of feeding, Rue should be bubbly, active, and doubling in size within 4-6 hours of a feeding. At this point, you’re ready to bake! Use Rue in your favorite sourdough recipe, or try out something new and adventurous. And don’t forget, every loaf you bake with Rue is like a little piece of Oak Creek Family Farm right in your own kitchen.

If you have any questions along the way, feel free to reach out! Happy baking, and may your loaves be ever crusty and delicious.

With love from the farm,

Oak Creek Family Farm

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Jess Garcia Jess Garcia

DIY Detox Tea: A Garden-Fresh Recipe for Health and Wellness

If there's one thing that keeps me going amidst the hustle and bustle of running Oak Creek Family Farm, it's my homemade detox tea. This isn't just any tea—it's a special blend of organic herbs, most of which come straight from our garden. Each sip is a reminder of the hard work and love that goes into growing our ingredients. My favorite recipe combines dried nettle, parsley, turmeric, ginger, and peppermint. It’s not only refreshing but packed with holistic health benefits. From easing bloating to supporting liver health, this tea does it all. Plus, I love adding a touch of local honey and a splash of fresh raw goat's milk for an extra dose of comfort. If you’d like to taste this garden goodness for yourself, swing by our farm stand on Fridays and Saturdays. We’ve got this tea ready and waiting for you!

Hey there, lovely readers!

If there's one thing that keeps this mom of six energized and ready to tackle the daily chaos of running Oak Creek Family Farm, it's my homemade detox tea. This isn’t just any detox tea—it’s a blend of organic, garden-fresh herbs that not only tastes amazing but also offers a multitude of holistic health benefits. Plus, there’s something incredibly satisfying about knowing most of these ingredients came straight from our backyard.

Without further ado, let me introduce you to my favorite detox tea recipe, featuring dried nettle, parsley, turmeric, ginger, and peppermint.


- Nettle: 1 teaspoon (dried)

- Parsley: 1 teaspoon (dried)

- Turmeric: 1/8 teaspoon (dried, powdered)

- Ginger: 1/8 teaspoon (dried, powdered)

- Peppermint: 2 teaspoons (dried)

- Water: 4 cups


1. Boil Water: Start by bringing 4 cups of water to a boil.

2. Remove from Heat: Take the pot off the heat.

3. Add Herbs: Add the dried nettle, parsley, turmeric, ginger, and peppermint to the hot water. You can add the herbs directly to the water and strain them later, or use a loose leaf tea infuser.

4. Steep: Let the mixture steep for about 5-10 minutes.

5. Strain: If you added the herbs directly to the water, strain the tea into a teapot or directly into your favorite mug. If you used a loose leaf tea infuser, simply remove it.

6. Enjoy: Sip and savor, knowing you’re doing something wonderful for your body!

A Personal Tip:

I love adding a touch of local honey and a splash of our fresh raw goat's milk to my tea. It adds a delightful sweetness and creaminess that complements the herbs beautifully. If you don't have these on hand, you can use sugar and any type of milk you prefer. The key is to make it your own!

Now, let's delve into the holistic health benefits of each herb used in this detox tea:


Nettle is a powerhouse of nutrients, packed with vitamins A, C, K, and several B vitamins. It’s also rich in minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Nettle is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is great for detoxifying the body, particularly the liver and kidneys. It can help reduce hay fever symptoms and improve skin health, too.


This little green herb is more than just a garnish. Parsley is loaded with vitamins A, C, and K and is a natural diuretic, helping to flush out toxins from the body. It's also rich in antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage. Parsley supports kidney health and can aid in reducing bloating and water retention.


Turmeric is a golden wonder, renowned for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, primarily due to the compound curcumin. It's excellent for supporting liver health and improving digestion. Turmeric can also boost your immune system and has been shown to have potential benefits in reducing the risk of chronic diseases.


Ginger is a zesty root that offers a multitude of health benefits. It’s fantastic for digestion, helping to ease nausea and reduce bloating. Ginger also has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It can support immune health and even help with pain relief, particularly from muscle soreness or arthritis.


Peppermint is a soothing herb that’s great for digestive health. It can help relieve symptoms of indigestion, gas, and bloating. Peppermint also has a cooling effect that can soothe headaches and improve mental focus. Its antibacterial properties make it a great choice for boosting overall health.

All these ingredients are organic, and most of them come straight from my garden. There’s a special joy in harvesting herbs I’ve nurtured and turning them into something that nourishes my family and me. I hope you enjoy this tea as much as I do, and may it bring a little bit of Oak Creek Family Farm’s wellness magic into your home.

Cheers to good health and happy sipping!

With love,


P.S. Stay tuned for more recipes and tips from my kitchen. And remember, there’s always time for a cup of tea and a moment of peace, no matter how busy life gets.

Try It for Yourself!

If you’d like to give this detox tea a try without the fuss of making it yourself, we sell this delightful blend at our farm stand! Visit us on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 AM to 6 PM to pick up your own packet of our organic, hand-picked herbal tea. We'd love to share a bit of our farm’s goodness with you.

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Jess Garcia Jess Garcia

Embrace Homemade Sourdough: A Recipe from My Kitchen to Yours

Welcome to my kitchen! I’m thrilled to share with you one of my favorite recipes: homemade sourdough bread. As a mom of six and the heart behind our small farm and micro bakery, baking bread has become more than just a culinary pursuit—it’s a journey that fills our home with warmth and delicious aromas, creating moments we cherish together.

Welcome to my kitchen! I’m thrilled to share with you one of my favorite recipes: homemade sourdough bread. As a mom of six and the heart behind our small farm and micro bakery, baking bread has become more than just a culinary pursuit—it’s a journey that fills our home with warmth and delicious aromas, creating moments we cherish together.

Why Sourdough?

Sourdough baking isn’t just about making bread; it’s about connecting with tradition and nurturing something special right in your own kitchen. Whether you’re new to sourdough or a seasoned baker, this recipe is designed to be approachable and rewarding, guiding you step-by-step to bake your own loaf of artisanal bread.

Ingredients You’ll Need

50-100 grams of active sourdough starter: Your starter is the heart of this recipe, giving your bread its unique flavor and rise.

350 grams of warm water: Use tap water for convenience or filtered water for a cleaner taste.

500 grams of flour: High-protein all-purpose flour works well; experiment with bread flour or whole wheat for different textures and flavors.

10 grams of pink sea salt: Adds a subtle depth of flavor; adjust to taste.

Tips for Success

  • Starter Consistency: Ensure your sourdough starter is bubbly and active before use. If it hasn’t been fed recently, refresh it with equal parts flour and water and let it ferment until bubbly.

  • Water Temperature: Use warm water (about 90-95°F or 32-35°C) to help activate the yeast in your starter and encourage fermentation.

  • Flour Hydration: Adjust the amount of water slightly based on your flour type and local humidity. The dough should be tacky but not overly sticky.

  • Bulk Fermentation: Depending on your kitchen temperature, the bulk rise can vary. Aim for a dough that increases in volume by about 50-75% and passes the poke test—when gently pressed, it should spring back slowly.

  • Shaping Techniques: Experiment with different shaping methods to create your desired loaf shape. A tight, well-shaped loaf leads to better oven spring and a beautiful final presentation.

  • Scoring the Dough: Use a sharp blade to score the dough just before baking. This not only adds a decorative touch but also helps control the bread’s expansion during baking.

Naming Your Sourdough Starter:

Naming your sourdough starter can add personality to your baking routine. Whether inspired by a favorite character, place, or memory, giving your starter a name can make your baking experience more enjoyable and personalized. Mine is named Rue, inspired by my love for the Hunger Games series, adding a bit of whimsy to my daily bread-making adventures.

Fun Extras:

  • Music and Baking: Like many bakers, I believe that humming a tune while kneading or shaping dough adds a sprinkle of joy and enhances the bread’s flavor. Try it out and see if your favorite songs influence your baking!

  • Sharing Your Creations: Whether it’s with family, friends, or neighbors, sharing freshly baked sourdough bread fosters connections and spreads happiness. Consider gifting a loaf or two and see the smiles it brings.

Let’s Bake Together!

I invite you to join me in the kitchen to experience the magic of homemade sourdough bread. It’s not just about creating delicious loaves but also about cultivating a love for baking that nourishes both body and soul.

About Me

As a mom of six, running a small farm and micro bakery, my journey into sourdough baking began as a challenge turned passion. Learning to make food from scratch has been my way of creating a warm and loving home, despite the odds. Now, it’s a joy to share this journey with you through my blog.

Connect with Me

I’d love to hear about your sourdough adventures and see your creations! Tag me on social media and share your baking stories. Let’s inspire each other to bake with love and laughter.

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Jess Garcia Jess Garcia

Spring Fever on the Homestead: Exciting Updates, Green-Thumbed Adventures, and Garden-Fresh Recipes

Hey friends, it's that time of year again—spring is in the air, and our homestead is buzzing with anticipation and activity! I'm thrilled to share all the latest happenings and plans we've been brewing as we gear up for the season of growth and new beginnings.

Let's kick things off with perhaps the most exciting news: we're getting ready to welcome some adorable Saanen goat kids to our family! It's been a whirlwind of preparation as we work on building a cozy new space just for them. Picture a snug, inviting haven where they can frolic and play to their heart's content, safe from the elements. We can hardly contain our excitement for the pitter-patter of tiny hooves that will soon grace our homestead.

Now, onto the green side of things—our garden boxes are getting a makeover! There's something so satisfying about getting your hands dirty and nurturing the earth to yield a bounty of fresh produce. We've been busy prepping the soil, mixing in compost, and dreaming up all the delicious veggies and herbs we'll be planting this year. From heirloom tomatoes to fragrant basil, our mouths are watering just thinking about it!

And speaking of plants, our greenhouse has become a hub of activity as we start our seeds for the season. It's a magical sight to see those tiny seeds sprout and begin their journey toward becoming robust, thriving plants. With each tender shoot that emerges, we're filled with a sense of wonder and gratitude for the miracle of growth.

Of course, amidst all the gardening excitement, we're also taking time to enjoy the simple pleasures of homestead life. Our feathered friends are busy scratching and pecking, our loyal canine companions are bounding around, tails wagging with excitement as they explore the awakening landscape, and the goats are soaking up the sunshine with contented bleats. Their antics never fail to bring a smile to our faces and remind us of the joy that comes from living close to the land.

And here's a little something extra to look forward to: keep an eye on the blog as we'll be posting recipes inspired and straight from our garden! From farm-fresh salads to hearty soups bursting with garden veggies, we'll be sharing our favorite recipes that celebrate the flavors of the season. So grab your aprons and get ready to join us in the kitchen for some delicious homestead-inspired meals.

As we dive headfirst into this season of renewal, I'm reminded of how grateful I am for the opportunity to steward this piece of earth we call home. There's a sense of possibility in the air, a feeling that with each seed we plant and each animal we care for, we're contributing to something bigger than ourselves. So here's to the adventures that lie ahead—may they be filled with growth, abundance, and plenty of sunshine on the homestead front.

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Goats milk soap Jess Garcia Goats milk soap Jess Garcia

Benefits of Using Goat Milk Soap for Sensitive Skin

Benefits of Using Goat Milk Soap for Sensitive Skin

Let me take you on a journey that started with our family and has blossomed into something we're eager to share with others. It all began with a heartfelt consideration of what we expose our bodies to. With a bustling household and a deep-rooted love for our homestead, we couldn't help but think about how every product we use affects not just us but also our children and the land we call home.

As we explored the vast world of skincare options, it became clear that our skin, our family's shield against the world, deserved better than the harsh chemicals found in many commercial soaps. That's when our journey began.

Fueled by a passion for our family's well-being and a desire to live more harmoniously with nature, we delved into research. And amidst the chaos of family life and the daily hustle on the homestead, we discovered an extraordinary solution: utilizing the raw milk from our Saanen goats to handcraft nourishing soap.

Seeing the joy and benefits our family experienced from using our homemade soap inspired us to share it with others. We wanted everyone to feel as good about their soap as we did. It's not just about skincare; it's about caring for our family, our land, and now, extending that care to others who seek wholesome, natural alternatives

Sensitive skin requires gentle care, and many commercial skincare products can exacerbate rather than alleviate its symptoms. If you've struggled to find a solution that soothes and nourishes your delicate skin, goat milk soap might be the answer you've been searching for. In this article, we'll explore the numerous benefits of goat milk soap for sensitive skin and why it's a natural choice for those seeking relief.

Why Goat Milk Soap?

Goat milk soap has been used for centuries for its moisturizing and healing properties. Unlike harsh chemical-laden soaps, goat milk soap is gentle and nourishing, making it ideal for sensitive skin types. Here's why:

  1. Mild and Gentle: Goat milk soap is pH-balanced and contains natural fats that cleanse the skin without stripping away its natural oils. This mildness makes it suitable for even the most sensitive skin, including conditions like eczema and rosacea.

  2. Moisturizing: The high fat content in goat milk provides intense hydration, leaving the skin feeling soft and supple. It helps to replenish moisture levels, which is crucial for maintaining healthy skin barrier function.

  3. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Goat milk is packed with vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as minerals like selenium and zinc. These nutrients nourish the skin, promote cell regeneration, and protect against environmental damage.

  4. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Goat milk contains lactic acid, a natural alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that gently exfoliates the skin and helps to reduce inflammation. This can soothe irritation and redness associated with sensitive skin conditions.

  5. Hypoallergenic: Goat milk soap is less likely to cause allergic reactions compared to synthetic soaps, making it a safe choice for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies.

How Goat Milk Soap Benefits Sensitive Skin:

Using goat milk soap as part of your skincare routine can provide a range of benefits for sensitive skin, including:

  • Calming Irritation: The soothing properties of goat milk help to calm redness, itching, and inflammation, providing relief for sensitive skin conditions.

  • Hydrating and Nourishing: Goat milk's moisturizing properties hydrate the skin deeply, preventing dryness and flakiness.

  • Improving Texture: Regular use of goat milk soap can improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin, leaving it smoother and more radiant.

  • Supporting Skin Barrier Function: The gentle cleansing action of goat milk soap helps to maintain the skin's natural barrier, protecting it from external aggressors and preventing moisture loss.

    Goat milk soap is a natural and effective solution for those with sensitive skin. Its gentle yet nourishing properties make it a must-have addition to your skincare routine. Whether you're dealing with eczema, rosacea, or simply seeking a gentle cleanser, goat milk soap offers a multitude of benefits that can help you achieve healthier, happier skin.

So why not give it a try? Your sensitive skin will thank you for it.

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